Thursday, March 25, 2010

Arduino Project Status

Well, the current status of the Arduino project is that the motor control board is built and the code is about 50 % complete. We still have a lot to do to get the course completed. Overall, I believe the course is more than 50% complete, but not 75%. There is not a formal project plan in place, so my estimates are more guesses than formal estimates.

The mission of the course is: Learn Ardunio, Have Fun, On the Cheap. As a result, the GPS module of the class may be stripped. $75.00 is cheap for GPS, but probably not really cheap for this class. I think it would be interesting for another class. The Arduino may not be able to handle it, but I think it is worth the attempt.

Tuesday was DPRG night and also a board meeting. Ed (our beloved DPRG President) is doing a fine job of leading us forward. That also meant that I had some work to do in the DPRG arena as well. Board meetings are such a thrill. I think we may turn to Robert's Rules of Order for some assistance in organizing our meetings and making them more efficient. We worked through a lot of material the other night, but it took awhile. The agenda was a page and a half long. If we are to get through the material, we need to do it quickly and efficiently.

In Scouts, I was able to organize the PLC meetings where the young men were able to conduct their meetings efficiently and actually get things done. I am confident that adults are able to learn the same tricks just as effectively. It would be to our benefit to do so.