Friday, April 30, 2010

Another Sparkfun Response

OK- from the previous post, it would seem that Sparkfun made a boo-boo and is doing the right thing to fix it. Hurray for Sparkfun!

While I am composing the last post, this email comes in (I left off the email headerinformation because it was a pain to post as it kept gagging the HTML):

Hello Bruce,

Our returns department finished testing the ATmega328s you returned to us, and found that they had somehow made it out without the Arduino Bootloader having been loaded. I have placed a new order, # 21xxxx, which contains five ATmega328, DEV-09217.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else, and have a great day!


L (Sparkfun rep name)
Customer Service
SparkFun Electronics

Now- I have not yet returned anything, but they have tested them.  I think I will wait and see what comes in the mail. Sparkfun may be experiencing growing pains- that's OK; it happens. Let's see how they handle it. I believe they will make everything right, it just may take another pass at the problem to get there.