Monday, April 26, 2010

Package from Sparkfun

The package from Sparkfun arrived today. I need to do some testing. On the last order, all the chips were marked with a red dot, except one. The unmarked chip does not appear to have the Arduino bootloader on it. I will run one more test on it. None of the chips that arrived today were marked. I hope they just forgot to mark them.

I am hopeful that I can start on the Arduino project again- I have ideas and need to implement them!

Slightly out-of-focus pictures below tell the story better.

Marked Arduino on left, Unmarked, probably not Arduino on right.

Unmarked chips. Hoping for bootloaders.

Since we are on the topic, it has been bbrought to my attention that one may construct an Arduino bootloader burner rather easily. This may be something to add to the end of the class. If I have an order of plain AtmelATMega 328 chips, then I may have to do this. Not without a call to Sparkfun first.