What I will do is share the table of contents with you. I know, it isn't much, but you can get a feel for how things are progressing. The section on reading input has not been started yet. I need to build the board, write the class and the programs.
If you happen to be within the reach of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group (http://www.dprg.org/), then please consider taking the introductory class and getting that under your belt. If you happen to BE a DPRG member, so much the better. If you are NOT YET a member of DPRG, visit the website and sign up! We do a lot of interesting things and have a lot of fun.
There are still a lot of detail items to complete before this class can be offered, but forward motion is being made; please have patience and the class should be available soon!
Remember- this is a DRAFT!
The Table of Contents is really tiny as that is the size I had to select to get the TOC to fit on the page. Go get your reading glasses and check it out.
Here is the Table of Contents: